Thursday, October 9, 2014

Taylor Swift: The Modern Day Cat Lady?

As most girls know, we all get a little nervous before a first date, however, Taylor Swift has taken it to a new extreme saying that she suffers partial panic attacks at the mere thought of going on a date. We wouldn’t expect this from the singer who is famous for singing about her exes on her albums.
The 24 year old revealed in an interview that she’s much “more realistic” when it comes to love these days. “I used to be fascinated by romance, and I’m not going to compromise my newfound happiness and independence just for anybody. The idea of a date gives me a partial panic attack! It includes 40 paparazzi camera shooting through windows at us, and that’s not relaxing or alluring to me. That make me want to crawl under the couch and hide. But I’m fine! I have two cats. That’s all I need.”
Is T-Swizzle the modern day cat lady!?

Here is one of Taylor's many cat videos! Enjoy....meow

By Shimona Hajjar

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